Monday 2 April 2012

Spring Cleaning!

Much like cleaning your house come spring or cleaning out your closet, it's also a good time to go through your make-up and throw out unused or bad items as well.
Mascara should be changed every 3 months. If you have an eye infection at any time, immediately change it then. Once it's exposed to air and your lashes it dries up and collects bacteria. Here's the pro's recommendations:

1. Mascara-3 months if used daily, 6 months if not
2. Concealer-18 months
3. Liquid Foundation-1 year
4. Loose powder foundation-no expiration date
5. Cream eyeshadow-1 year
6. Powder eyeshadow-2 years
7. Lip pencil-3 years
8. Lipstick-2 years
9. Lipgloss-1 year

It's also annoying to have a ton of eyeshadows that you never wear cluttering up your drawer. Also take that time to wipe everything down and organize it. Just remember the clothes rule: if you haven't worn it for a year, you're not going to wear it again--throw it out! That way you now have room to buy NEW colors!! (At least that's my excuse ;)

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